Welcome to Cool Comics in My Collection episode 415, where we look at various comic books I own (and in some cases ones that I let get away), both new and old, often with a nostalgic leaning for those feelings of yesteryear. I hope you have as much fun reading about them as I had writing about these cool comics!
For each of the comic books I include here, I list the current secondary market pricing according to the websites ComicBookRealm.com (CBR) and Zap-Kapow Comics (ZKC), using the comic book grading scale of 9.4 (if both sites have the same price, you’ll find just one price for that issue). Not all my comics meet that grade. Some are probably better, and many are certainly worse. But to simplify it, that’s the scale I use. And remember, a comic book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And for those who enjoy the additional fun of knowing some of the more important issues in your collection, I recognize each Cool Comic that is listed in Key Collector Comics.
If you have any comments, please scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says, “Leave a Reply.” And now, episode 415…
Cool Comics Stuff!
A couple issues of note from last week that I enjoyed are Knight Terrors: Night’s End #1 (I liked this crossover more than I anticipated) and Incredible Hulk #3 (this series promises to be a bit darker, and the stories have been good so far).
Cool Comics Battle of the Week!
The Cool Comics Battle of the Week is Spider-Man versus The Flash! What do you think would happen if they faced each other in a titanic tussle, and how do you see the winner achieving victory? Let us know in the comments section below.
Cool Comics Creations!
In this episode, Cool Comics shows off Ed Griffie’s Rey from Star Wars! Ed is a lifelong comic book fan who started drawing Kawaii and Chibi style versions of pop culture icons and superheroes about five years ago. Through Facebook, his work came to the attention of Daniel Hare, the owner of vintage toy and comic bookstore The Toys Time Forgot, who offered him a guest spot at Free Comic Book Day. Since then, Ed has been a regular at local conventions and comic bookstores, where he offers bookmarks, coloring pages, trading cards, and color prints featuring his unique artwork. You can check out his full catalog of work at toonist27.deviantart.com or contact him at edgriffiejr@gmail.com to commission an original piece of your very own.
You can have a piece of your art (or an original piece of art that you own) featured right here in Cool Comics Creations! Just send an electronic file in an email featuring one of your drawings, whether you’re a professional or amateur, (it can be just pencils, or inks too…or full color if you prefer) or a picture of a craft or sculpture that you’ve done, and if it’s family friendly (and not controversial…let’s try to keep this fun), you’ll be a part of an upcoming Cool Comics episode. We also want your name, an optional picture of yourself to go here, and any other background information you want to provide, such as a website or a way you can be contacted about your art (who knows, maybe someone will make you an offer for the original!). And then email it to edgosney62@gmail.com.
Cool Comics In My Collection
Cool Comics from the 21st Century
#2091 — Marvel Age #1000, Marvel, October 2023.
Cool Factor: This special Marvel anthology edition contains several interesting stories, and a few that didn’t hit home with me. But I liked enough of the tales to make it worth it. And if you are a fan of cool covers, this one might justify the price for you (I really like the silhouettes of the kids underneath the bright colored heroes). Additionally, there are lots of known creators who put this together (see the credits below), so that, too, can be a great selling point. Don’t get me wrong…in my opinion, this is a cool comic, and if your local comic shop has any left, you may want to add it to your collection.
Comic Book Credits: It took many hands to put together this lengthy Marvel comic book, including the following: Gary Frank, Brad Anderson, Mark Waid, Alessandro Cappuccio, Mattia Iacono, Joe Caramagna, Ryan Stegman, J. P. Mayer, Dave McCaig, Rainbow Rowell, Marguerite Sauvage, Dan Slott, Mike Allred, Laura Allred, Armando Iannucci, Adam Kubert, Frank Martin, Steve McNiven, Jason Aaron, Pepe Larraz, Alejandro Sánchez, J. Michael Straczynski, Kaare Andrews, Martin Biro, Annalise Bissa, and Tom Brevoort. For a look at who did what, the titles of stories, characters, etc., please see the entry at GCD.
Price and Values: The cover price of Marvel Age #1000 is $9.99, while the current value is $10.
Facsimile Edition Cool Comics
#2092 — Crisis on Infinite Earths #8, DC, February 2020 (Original Cover Date: November 1985).
Cool Factor: When I entered my third phase of comic book collecting in 1993, I found out about Crisis on Infinite Earths and searched stores around Atlanta, Georgia, until I’d found all 12 issues. And yes, I still have them, but now that I’m all in on Facsimile Editions, I had to get this one, also, and relive this big moment in DC history. If you want to own an original edition, it will set you back around $38, so grab this Facsimile Edition if you just want to explore the story.
Comic Book Credits: Marv Wolfman (script/editor), George Pérez (pencils/cover pencils/cover inks), Jerry Ordway (inks), Anthony Tollin (colors/cover colors), John Costanza (letters), Todd Klein (cover letters), Robert Greenberger (associate editor), and Jeb Woodard (group editor).
Price and Values: The cover price of Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 Facsimile Edition is $3.99, while the current value is $4.
Cool Comics Celebrates FCBD (Week 18 of 2023)
#2093 — Dog Man and the League of Misfits, Graphix, May 2023.
Cool Factor: With characters like Dog Man and Captain Underpants, Dav Pilkey seems to know how to keep kids entertained. If you have young readers in your house of a certain age (along with a certain sense of humor), this Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) issue may be worth searching out, if you didn’t already pick it up last May. And even for a more seasoned reader like me, I enjoyed the experience.
Comic Book Credits: Both A Message from George and Harold and Dog Man and the League of Misfits are brought to us from Dav Pilkey, who did all the writing and illustrations.
Price and Values: The cover price of Dog Man and the League of Misfits is free, while the current value is $1.
Cool Comics for the Young at Heart
#2094 — The Friendly Ghost, Casper #173, Harvey Comics, May 1974.
Cool Factor: Cub Scouts happen to wander through the woods and experience a harrowing adventure, battling the evil forces of Casper, Spooky, Hot Stuff, and even Richie Rich! All kidding aside, if this comic book were made today, some creators probably would turn it into a world of horror. And don’t worry, young readers won’t have nightmares if they read this Harvey Comic that’s made for the young at heart.
Comic Book Credits: As usual for many of these older comics aimed towards the young at heart, not much is known about the creators for this issue. Just two names are listed: Warren Kremer (pencils for many of the stories) and Leon Harvey (editor). For a closer look at who did what, the titles of stories, characters, etc., please see the entry at GCD.
Price and Values: The cover price of The Friendly Ghost, Casper #173 is 25¢, while the current value is $12.
Cool Comics from the 20th Century
#2095 — Wulf the Barbarian #2, Atlas/Seaboard, April 1975.
Cool Factor: As I continue the slow journey through my Atlas Comics collection, I’m a bit wistful that it will be over in the blink of an eye. I really like exploring these nuggets of fun from the Seventies that I’d see on magazine racks, but never ventured to purchase back then. Granted, I’ve been spacing them out so that I read one about every six to eight weeks, but as many of us know, the entire collection is rather small. And when I read each one, I take my time, enjoying the art and the story unfolding in front of me, including the ads from my favorite era of comic books.
Comic Book Credits: Larry Hama (script/pencils/cover pencils), Klaus Janson (inks), Cathi Ann Thomas (lettering), and Jeff Rovin (editor).
Price and Values: The cover price of Wulf the Barbarian #2 is 25¢, while the current values are $20 on CBR and $5 on ZKC. The Key Collector Comics value is $10.
Cool Comics Reader Reviews!
Would you like to write a review of a comic book or graphic novel for all the Internet to read? Our Cool Comics Reader Reviews section is looking for fans just like you to submit your review, along with a cover image of the comic. Additionally, you may provide a picture of yourself and any other biographical information you want published in Cool Comics. Send all this to edgosney62@gmail.com. Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to decide what will and won’t go in the blog, so keep the language clean, pick out a comic that won’t cause controversy (we try to have fun here!), and start tapping away on your keyboard!
ComicBooks For Kids!
ComicBooks For Kids! (CB4K) is a charity that Cool Comics In My Collection is honored to be working with. CB4K provides comic books to kids in hospitals and cancer centers all across the United States. You can check their website and see if your local hospital is included and if not, you can work with them to get them included! If you like what you see, please help them out and follow/like their Facebook page. Their link is https://www.facebook.com/comicbooksforkids/
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