Welcome to Page 17 of I Read That Book! On each Page, I’ll tell you a little about a book I read, often in a fun and informal manner, with the hope that you also may become interested enough to read it – or perhaps read it again if you’ve already enjoyed it once. The books I’ll be featuring come from a variety of genres at differing stages of my life, so whether you prefer history, literature, science fiction, or horror, there’s a good chance you’ll get some interesting ideas for your personal “To Be Read” list. Thank you for joining me on this journey as we flip through the pages of some of my favorite books. But before you start reading below, I invite you to grab a cup of your favorite beverage (coffee for me!) and find a comfortable place to sit, then turn to Page 17.
HALLOWE’EN PARTY by Agatha Christie
Publication Date: November 1969
If you’re in the mood to fit in a fun, quick mystery when October arrives, and you’ve never had occasion to read HALLOWE’EN PARTY, I highly recommend it. I read my copy, which sports an appropriate orange and black cover, a good long while ago, well before the film version aired as part of the British TV series Poirot. Yet now, thinking back on it, I wish I’d seen the episode first, because I’m sure I would have enjoyed the book even more by picturing the actors in my mind while experiencing the novel. For me and many others, David Suchet IS Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie’s delightful detective.
“A girl was murdered,” said Poirot. “Murdered by someone who had strength enough to hold her head down in a bucket of water. An ugly murder and a murder that was committed with what we might call no time to lose. Somebody was threatened, and whoever it was struck as soon as it was humanly possible.”
No need to fear, Poirot is here!
When things go sour at a children’s Hallowe’en Party, it’s time to call in the often-underestimated expert of murder and mayhem. The Belgian detective follows the dictates of logic and reason, and it’s fun for the reader to experience Poirot’s methods as he uncovers the crime.
If you’ve never seen the Hallowe’en Party episode of Poirot (season 12, episode 2), you’re in for a treat (and maybe even a trick!). The individual episode can be purchased via some streaming outlets (I bought it on Amazon Prime a few years ago), and the show appears to be on Apple TV, which also has a fun trailer you can watch by clicking HERE.
I don’t read a lot of mysteries, but you can’t go wrong with the Queen of Crime! If you decide to experience HALLOWE’EN PARTY and discover that you want more Christie on your bookcase, keep in mind that she wrote 65 other novels, along with 14 story collections. That will keep you busy for a while!
And don’t forget to join us here again when I flip to the next Page!
Note: The first 32 pages of I Read This Book! originally appeared on Substack.
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