Welcome to Page 8 of I Read That Book! On each Page, I’ll tell you a little about a book I read, often in a fun and informal manner, with the hope that you also may become interested enough to read it – or perhaps read it again if you’ve already enjoyed it once. The books I’ll be featuring come from a variety of genres at differing stages of my life, so whether you prefer history, literature, science fiction, or horror, there’s a good chance you’ll get some interesting ideas for your personal “To Be Read” list. Thank you for joining me on this journey as we flip through the pages of some of my favorite books. But before you start reading below, I invite you to grab a cup of your favorite beverage (coffee for me!) and find a comfortable place to sit, then turn to Page 8.
DUNE by Frank Herbert
Publication Date: August 1965
Confession time: I purposely avoided reading DUNE for several decades. Even though I’ve always enjoyed science fiction, I’d heard from a number of people that DUNE was a difficult read. And just like…well…pretty much everyone else, with all the craziness that happens in our lives, why make my escape between the pages of a book even more complicated?
Yet Frank Herbert’s classic kept appearing in front of my eyes, from reviews to comments and comparisons in popular media to movies to a Syfy Channel miniseries, and after watching the aforementioned Dune on my television in the comfort of my home, I decided it was time to crack open my wife’s old paperback copy and forge my way across those sandy hills.
Now if I’d read this book after watching the 1984 theatrical release (it has plenty of critics, as well as a cult following), it would probably have been a little more confusing for me (there are some parts of the movie that still have me scratching my head…which is as bald as Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam), but considering that the Syfy Channel production is closer to the novel, I found this to be quite helpful. And now I’m a full-fledged Dune fanatic!
Seriously, the book really wasn’t all that difficult to read (I have a degree in English Education and have read some books that many people would never, ever want to try), and if you want to familiarize yourself with the story before heading to the theater in October to see the new version, then don’t let anyone stop you! The book is rich with plot, characterization, action, religion, ecology, royal struggles, space travel, and mysticism. I suggest taking your time as you explore the world of Dune and really soak it in. Much of it will stay with you, and you may find, when the need is there, girding yourself by repeating the Bene Gesserit Litany against Fear.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
It works for everything in life, whether you state it before picking up a novel (such as DUNE and its many sequels and prequels), taking an exam, or driving in bad traffic. Okay, I don’t really use the Litany against Fear in my life, but when I can toss some cool Dune stuff your way, why not, right?
And speaking of cool Dune stuff, check out the picture of my Funko POP! Dune figures. My family enjoys collecting these, and they know what I like when buying gifts. I’ll probably show off more of my POP! collection when I have a close match with particular books…or authors.
And one quick note before we reach the bottom of the Page: I love the musical score from the first movie…more than the movie itself, and often find myself humming portions of it…because it’s Dune!
And don’t forget to join us here again when I flip to the next Page!
Note: The first 32 pages of I Read This Book! originally appeared on Substack.
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