Welcome to Cool Comics in My Collection episode 371, where we look at various comic books I own (and in some cases ones that I let get away), both new and old, often with a nostalgic leaning for those feelings of yesteryear. I hope you have as much fun reading about them as I had writing about these cool comics!
For each of the comic books I include here, I list the current secondary market pricing according to the websites ComicBookRealm.com (CBR) and Zap-Kapow Comics (ZKC), using the comic book grading scale of 9.4 (if both sites have the same price, you’ll find just one price for that issue). Not all my comics meet that grade. Some are probably better, and many are certainly worse. But to simplify it, that’s the scale I use. And remember, a comic book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And for those who enjoy the additional fun of knowing some of the more important issues in your collection, I recognize each Cool Comic that is listed in Key Collector Comics.
If you have any comments, please scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says, “Leave a Reply.” And now, episode 371…
Cool Comics Stuff!
SELLING SUPERMAN: A feature documentary
“Will selling one of the most expensive comics of all time help Darren rewrite the tormented legacy of his father’s family trauma?”
Recently, Cool Comics was contacted by Modern Fanatic, asking if we’d help get the word out about this Kickstarter campaign.
This interesting story of a huge, hidden collection is worth reading about at the links provided below. The Kickstarter site includes a short video, along with information about supporting the campaign.
Cool Comics Battle of the Week!
The Cool Comics Battle of the Week is Strange Academy Students versus Supergirl! What do you think would happen if they faced each other in a titanic tussle, and how do you see the winner achieving victory? Let us know in the comments section below.
Cool Comics Creations!
This original sketch cover by comic creator Scott McDaniel was sent to Cool Comics from reader Josh Thomas, who enjoys collecting original art. He acquired it during Pittsburgh Comic Con 2013.
You can have a piece of your art (or an original piece of art that you own) featured right here in Cool Comics Creations! Just send an electronic file in an email featuring one of your drawings, whether you’re a professional or amateur, (it can be just pencils, or inks too…or full color if you prefer) or a picture of a craft or sculpture that you’ve done, and if it’s family friendly (and not controversial…let’s try to keep this fun), you’ll be a part of an upcoming Cool Comics episode. We also want your name, an optional picture of yourself to go here, and any other background information you want to provide, such as a website or a way you can be contacted about your art (who knows, maybe someone will make you an offer for the original!). And then email it to edgosney62@gmail.com.
Cool Comics In My Collection
Cool Comics from the 21st Century
#1871 — Strange Academy: Finals #1, Marvel, December 2022.
Cool Factor: If you own this issue and don’t recognize it, that’s because the cover shown here is a variant. I rarely purchase variant covers, but my shop ran short of issues, and I ended up with this one, which I really like. Have you read the first iteration of this title, Strange Academy? If so, then you know it ended on a dark note, and this new series picks up right where it left off. If you’re a fan, you can’t afford to miss this issue!
Comic Book Credits: Skottie Young (writer), Humberto Ramos (artist), Edgar Delgado (color artist), VC’s Clayton Cowles (letterer), Dustin Weaver (variant cover artist), Jared Fletcher (logo designer), Anthony Gambino (production designer), Kaeden McGahey (assistant editor), and Nick Lowe (editor)
Price and Values: The cover price of Strange Academy: Finals #1 is $3.99, while the current value is $4. The Key Collector Comics value for the regular cover is $5.
Media Tie-In Cool Comics
#1872 — Star Trek #1, IDW Publishing, October 2022 (Original Source: TV Series).
Cool Factor: I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a bigger fan of The Original Series, and based on that, I wasn’t much interested in this new ongoing Star Trek series. But thanks to several recent Star Trek comic book posts via another blog I read, Josh’s Geek Cave (click the link and check it out!), my interest in the franchise revved up, and I’m all the happier for it. Star Trek #1 has something for fans of many of the different series, and I’m looking forward to future issues.
Comic Book Credits: Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing (writers), Ramon Rosanas (artist), Lee Loughridge (colorist), Clayton Cowles (letterer), Neil Uyetake (design & production), Heather Antos (senior editor), and Vanessa Real (editorial Assistant).
Price and Values: The cover price of Star Trek #1 is $4.99, while the current value is $5.
Cool Comics Celebrates FCBD (Week 26 of 2022)
#1873 — Kaiju No. 8 & Sakamoto Days, VIZ Media, May 2022.
Cool Factor: The two stories in this Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) issue are excerpts from collections, which is a great way to get a feel for what the comics are all about. The only manga I read are the ones that are part of FCBD, so don’t count on me to tell you if these are worth exploring further. But I always appreciate these freebies giving me the opportunity to explore characters and stories that are new to me.
Comic Book Credits: Excerpt from Kaiju No. 8, Vol. 1 – Nadya Matsumoto (story, art), David Evelyn (translation), Brandon Bovia (touch-up arts & lettering), Jimmy Presler (design), and Karla Clark (editor); Excerpt from Sakamoto Days, Vol. 2 – Yuto Suzuki (story, art), Camellia Nieh (translator), Eve Grandt (Shonen Jump series lettering), Snir Aharon (touch-up art & lettering), Kam Li (design), and John Bae (editor).
Price and Values: The cover price of Kaiju No. 8 & Sakamoto Days Kaiju No. 8 & Sakamoto Days is free, while the current value is $1.
Cool Comics for the Young at Heart
#1874 — Bullwinkle and Rocky #24, Whitman/Gold Key, December 1979.
Cool Factor: When I was a kid, I was a cartoon fan of Moose and Squirrel, as a certain Soviet agent tended to call our heroes, Bullwinkle and Rocky. And another reason to appreciate this comic is the inclusion of Sherman and Peabody. Cartoons are never the same after you reach a certain age but flipping through this Gold Key comic (which happens to have a Whitman cover logo…you may know all about the Whitman variants, and if you don’t, you can find out by doing a Google search) really had me feeling Young at Heart.
Comic Book Credits: There isn’t much creator information on this issue (which is fairly standard when it comes to Cool Comics for the Young at Heart issues from bygone eras). Grand Comics Database gives us just two names: John Stanley (cover pencils & inks) and Al Kilgore (script, pencils, inks). If you want to see the names of each story in this issue and find out which characters were featured, click HERE.
Price and Values: The cover price of Bullwinkle and Rocky #24 is 40¢, while the current values are $20 on CBR and $5 on ZKC.
Cool Comics from the 20th Century
#1875 — Supergirl #20, DC, June 1984.
Cool Factor: If you’ve been reading Cool Comics In My Collection for a while, then you may already know that I didn’t buy many comics in the Eighties. I’ve gone through several phases (as I like to call them) of collecting, and Phase 2 took place in 1982, which is a rather short period. But I was in college and didn’t have as much spare money for comic books. So now, when I search through quarter boxes (for those who may not understand this, a local comic shop always has several longboxes stuffed full of comic books selling for just 25 cents!), it’s always fun to grab some Eighties era four-color fun so that I can do a bit of catching up on what I missed out on. This was a cool issue of Supergirl, complete with her Eighties hair, which is proudly displayed on the cover!
Comic Book Credits: Paul Kupperberg (writer), Carmine Infantino (pencils, cover pencils), Dick Giordano (cover inks), Bob Oksner (inks), Rod Ollerenshaw (letterer), Gene D’Angelo (colorist), E. Nelson Bridwell (consulting editor), and Julius Schwartz (editor).
Price and Values: The cover price of Supergirl #20 is 75¢, while the current values are $4 on CBR and $5 on ZKC.
Cool Comics Reader Reviews!
Would you like to write a review of a comic book or graphic novel for all the Internet to read? Our Cool Comics Reader Reviews section is looking for fans just like you to submit your review, along with a cover image of the comic. Additionally, you may provide a picture of yourself and any other biographical information you want published in Cool Comics. Send all this to edgosney62@gmail.com. Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to decide what will and won’t go in the blog, so keep the language clean, pick out a comic that won’t cause controversy (we try to have fun here!), and start tapping away on your keyboard!
ComicBooks For Kids!
ComicBooks For Kids! (CB4K) is a charity that Cool Comics In My Collection is honored to be working with. CB4K provides comic books to kids in hospitals and cancer centers all across the United States. You can check their website and see if your local hospital is included and if not, you can work with them to get them included! If you like what you see, please help them out and follow/like their Facebook page. Their link is https://www.facebook.com/comicbooksforkids/
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I Read That Book!
Please check out my newest blog, I Read That Book! Periodically, I discuss a book I’ve read in an entertaining, positive manner. It’s not a book review site, but instead a fun way to look at many of the books that have been a part of my life (and perhaps yours, too!), through anecdotes, quotes, weblinks, fond memories, pictures, and other surprises!
Views: 301
Great seeing you, however briefly, at Akron Comicon. Here’s a recommendation for you: Kaiju Girl Caramelise.
Hi Tony, it was great seeing you, also, and I appreciate the tip on Kaiju Girl Caramelise.
Thanks for being an important part of Cool Comics!