Welcome to Cool Comics in My Collection episode 360, where we look at various comic books I own (and in some cases ones that I let get away), both new and old, often with a nostalgic leaning for those feelings of yesteryear. I hope you have as much fun reading about them as I had writing about these cool comics!
For each of the comic books I include here, I list the current secondary market pricing according to the websites ComicBookRealm.com (CBR) and Zap-Kapow Comics (ZKC), using the comic book grading scale of 9.4 (if both sites have the same price, you’ll find just one price for that issue). Not all my comics meet that grade. Some are probably better, and many are certainly worse. But to simplify it, that’s the scale I use. And remember, a comic book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And for those who enjoy the additional fun of knowing some of the more important issues in your collection, I recognize each Cool Comic that is listed in Key Collector Comics.
If you have any comments, please scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says, “Leave a Reply.” And now, episode 360…
Cool Comics Stuff!
This week there were a couple other cool comics that got my serious consideration for inclusion in the Modern-Day Cool Comics category, but there can be only one, and I like to mix it up a bit. It’s obvious that I read more Marvel than any other company, so when I get something new that wasn’t published by the House of Ideas, I often like to dub it a cool comic. Pictured above, you can see that Marvel gave us a couple fun ones with a new volume of X-Men Legends (this story takes place just after the first Wolverine / Hulk confrontation, and we get more of the same here!) and a gaggle of Ghost Rider goodness in Ghost Rider: Vengeance Forever #1.
Cool Comics Battle of the Week!
The Cool Comics Battle of the Week is ALF versus Richie Rich! What do you think would happen if they faced each other in a titanic tussle, and how do you see the winner achieving victory? Let us know in the comments section below.
Cool Comics Creations!
This episode’s Cool Comics Creation features one of my favorite Image titles, Geiger, by artist Sydney Walton! The art is all hand-painted with acrylic paints. Syd is always taking commissions, so don’t hesitate to contact him for a cool cover or other fantastic creations. You can find him on Facebook at Syd’s Altruistic Art, or contact him via email at swaltoniii@aol.com.
You can have a piece of your art featured right here in Cool Comics Creations! Just send an electronic file in an email featuring one of your drawings, whether you’re a professional or amateur, (it can be just pencils, or inks too…or full color if you prefer) or a picture of a craft or sculpture that you’ve done, and if it’s family friendly (and not controversial…let’s try to keep this fun), you’ll be a part of an upcoming Cool Comics episode. We also want your name, an optional picture of yourself to go here, and any other background information you want to provide, such as a website or a way you can be contacted about your art (who knows, maybe someone will make you an offer for the original!). And then email it to edgosney62@gmail.com.
Cool Comics In My Collection
Modern-Day Cool Comics
#1816 — Archie & Friends: Thrills & Chills #1, Archie, October 2022.
If you have a fondness for Archie comics but don’t much care for the newer, edgier versions or the horror twists, be glad that Archie & Friends continues to put out fun adventures like this Thrills & Chills iteration. Sure, there are reprint stories inside, but for $2.99, you always get a new tale, too. Return to Mirrordale is brought to us by J. Torres (script), Rex Lindsey (art), and Glenn Whitmore (colors); Funhouse Frolic comes courtesy of Tom DeFalco (script), Pat & Tim Kennedy (pencils), Bob Smith (inks), Jack Morelli (letters), and Digikore Studios (colors); Carnival Capers featuring Sabrina didn’t have credits listed; and Archie 3000 Carnival Atmosphere creators include Mike Pellowski (script), Rex Lindsey (pencils), Jon D’Agostino (inks), and Bill Yoshida (letters). Other creators are Dan Parent (cover) and the editorial team of Jamie Lee Rotante, Vincent Lovallo, and Stephen Oswald. The cover price of Archie & Friends: Thrills & Chills #1 is $2.99, while the current value is $3.
Media Tie-In Cool Comics (Original Source: TV Series)
#1817 — ALF #1, Marvel, March 1988.
Were you watching on September 22, 1986, when Gordon Shumway (aka ALF) entered our lives in living color? ALF (Alien Life Form), a fuzzy alien from the planet Melmac, crash-landed into the Tanner’s garage, not to mention the hearts of millions of viewers. Sure, he could be obnoxious, along with a threat to cats across the globe, but the show provided light entertainment that often just hit the spot. This first issue contains three fun stories: At Your Disposal, Skin Off My Nose, and Play Misty for Me. If you enjoyed the show and wouldn’t mind adding a few issues to your collection, I’ve been able to find a handful of them in discount bins. All three stories feature the talents of Michael Gallagher (story), Dave Manak (pencils, cover), Marie Severin (inks, colors, cover), Grace Kremer (letters), and Sid Jacobson (editor). The cover price of ALF #1 is $1, while the current values are $8 on CBR and $5 on ZKC. The Key Collector Comics value is $10.
Cool Comics Celebrates FCBD (Week 15 of 2022)
#1818 — Fuzzy Baseball, Papercutz, May 2022.
Did you know Fuzzy Baseball was a thing? I sure didn’t. When I pulled this from my Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) box, I figured it was something new, but it turns out there have been other Fuzzy Baseball comics…and I didn’t even know it. Maybe I’ve seen it in Previews before, but I see lots of things there that I end up forgetting about. Anyway, while this seems kind of odd with all these intelligent animals, I ended up sort of enjoying this FCBD issue. I guess if Disney and Warner Brothers and many others can do it, why not Fuzzy Baseball? Perhaps next will come Scaly Football, with snakes, alligators, and lizards. Fuzzy Baseball was created by John Steven Gurney. Incidentally, John Steven Gurney also provided the writing, art, color, and lettering. Stephanie Brooks is credited as the assistant managing editor, and Jim Salicrup is the editor-in-chief. The cover price of Fuzzy Baseball is free, while the current value is $1.
Cool Comics for the Young at Heart
#1819 — Richie Rich Jackpots #15, Harvey Comics, February 1975.
I’ve probably mentioned this on here a time or two, but I was not a Richie Rich reader when I was young. Not that I didn’t have any (I think I bought two or three issues), but the Poor Little Rich Boy just didn’t resonate with me. It wasn’t a jealousy thing (although who wouldn’t want to have his bank account?). It’s just that I preferred Dennis the Menace and Archie comics when I wasn’t spending my pocket change on superheroes. But today, as a more seasoned person and reader, I’ve developed a fondness for Richie Rich stories. They certainly make me feel young at heart. Some of you already know that it’s nearly impossible to find proper creator credits for some of these older cool comics for the young at heart, which holds true with this issue. And while we usually provide a link to the issue from the Grand Comic Database, this one didn’t have much information, so instead I’m giving you the link to this issue’s page on Mike’s Amazing World of Comics, another outstanding website that’s loaded with all kinds of comic book knowledge. The cover price of Richie Rich Jackpots #15 is 25¢, while the current value is $12.
Twentieth Century Cool Comics
#1820 — The Legion of Super-Heroes #308, DC, February 1984.
The Legion of Super-Heroes takes me back to 1982, when I was a student at The Ohio State University and I discovered this fun, futuristic team during The Great Darkness Saga. A new friend and fellow Buckeye got me back into collecting comics (and unfortunately this lasted for too short a time), and I was determined to try titles I’d never explored in the past. It seems like there are thousands of LSH comics to be found in quarter boxes, which is nice for those of us who want to keep adding to our collections. …And the Sky Itself Shall Burn! was born from the minds of Paul Levitz (writer), Keith Giffen (penciller, cover), Larry Mahlstedt (inker, cover), John Constanza (letterer), Carl Gafford (colorist), Anthony Tollin (cover colors); Guess What’s Coming to Dinner? comes from Keith Giffen (plot), Paul Levitz (plot, script), George Tuska (pencils), Larry Mahlstedt (inks), Carl Gafford (colors), Adam Kubert (letterer); and Karen Berger (editor). The cover price of The Legion of Super-Heroes #308 is 75¢, while the current value is $3.
Cool Comics Reader Reviews!
Would you like to write a review of a comic book or graphic novel for all the Internet to read? Our Cool Comics Reader Reviews section is looking for fans just like you to submit your review, along with a cover image of the comic. Additionally, you may provide a picture of yourself and any other biographical information you want published in Cool Comics. Send all this to edgosney62@gmail.com. Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to decide what will and won’t go in the blog, so keep the language clean, pick out a comic that won’t cause controversy (we try to have fun here!), and start tapping away on your keyboard!
ComicBooks For Kids!
ComicBooks For Kids! (CB4K) is a charity that Cool Comics In My Collection is honored to be working with. CB4K provides comic books to kids in hospitals and cancer centers all across the United States. You can check their website and see if your local hospital is included and if not, you can work with them to get them included! If you like what you see, please help them out and follow/like their Facebook page. Their link is https://www.facebook.com/comicbooksforkids/
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I Read That Book!
Please check out my newest blog, I Read That Book! Periodically, I discuss a book I’ve read in an entertaining, positive manner. It’s not a book review site, but instead a fun way to look at many of the books that have been a part of my life (and perhaps yours, too!), through anecdotes, quotes, weblinks, fond memories, pictures, and other surprises!
Views: 233
Yes — I’ll continue enjoying the blog! I really got into LSH, myself, back when it was “Superboy & The Legion of Super-Heroes”…
Artwork from Nick Cardy, Mike Grell, Dave Cockrum, Curt Swan, writers like Cary Bates, Gerry Conway, & even Jim Starlin (Paul Levitz wrote many of those as well).
Please keep bringing up comic series from the 1970s-1980s, bring up lots of great memories!!
Matt, welcome back and we’re glad to have you!
Yes, I’ve collected some of those Superboy & The Legion of Super-Heroes issues myself, several of which are in past blog episodes here at Cool Comics. But I didn’t start buying them until a few years ago, as I’ve found most in quarter bins.
As for including 70s and 80s issues, it’s the rare episode that I don’t have at least one, if not more. I try to balance it out so I have something for everyone, and I hope that keeps most readers happy.
Thanks for being an important part of Cool Comics!