Welcome to Cool Comics in My Collection episode 338, where we look at various comic books I own (and in some cases ones that I let get away), both new and old, often with a nostalgic leaning for those feelings of yesteryear. I hope you have as much fun reading about them as I had writing about these cool comics!
For each of the comic books I include here, I list the current secondary market pricing according to the websites ComicBookRealm.com (CBR) and Zap-Kapow Comics (ZKC), using the comic book grading scale of 9.4 (if both sites have the same price, you’ll find just one price for that issue). Not all my comics meet that grade. Some are probably better, and many are certainly worse. But to simplify it, that’s the scale I use. And remember, a comic book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And for those who enjoy the additional fun of knowing some of the more important issues in your collection, I recognize each Cool Comic that is listed in Key Collector Comics.
If you have any comments, please scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says, “Leave a Reply.” And now, episode 338…
Cool Comics Stuff!
While everyone is raving about the Batman movie, I’ve finally seen Spider-Man: No Way Home, from the comfort of MY home! My son bought a digital version, so Tuesday night, after dinner, I finally caught up…at least with that movie. While it wasn’t my favorite superhero movie, it was worth watching.
Cool Comics Battle of the Week!
The Cool Comics Battle of the Week is Spider-Woman versus The Flash! What do you think would happen if they faced each other in a titanic tussle, and how do you see the winner achieving victory? Let us know in the comments section below.
Cool Comics Creations!
While Batman is all the rage at the box office, outstanding artist Robert A. Kraus (aka RAK) has produced this super RAKified version of the Dark Knight that deserves plenty of praise, too! Known around the globe as the creator of Chakan, the forever man, RAK is a great friend to Cool Comics, and we love showing off his amazing art. Be sure to check out all the other fantastic art, games, illustrated novellas, and comics at RAK’s website.
You can have a piece of your art featured right here in Cool Comics Creations! Just send an electronic file in an email featuring one of your drawings, whether you’re a professional or amateur, (it can be just pencils, or inks too…or full color if you prefer) or a picture of a craft or sculpture that you’ve done, and if it’s family friendly (and not controversial…let’s try to keep this fun), you’ll be a part of an upcoming Cool Comics episode. We also want your name, an optional picture of yourself to go here, and any other background information you want to provide, such as a website or a way you can be contacted about your art (who knows, maybe someone will make you an offer for the original!). And then email it to edgosney62@gmail.com.
Cool Comics In My Collection
Modern-Day Cool Comics
#1706 — Punisher #1, Marvel, May 2022.
First off, I realize the Punisher isn’t for everyone. He’s not a superhero, and he’s not a supervillain, but he’s been on both sides of the fence throughout the years. I remember the excitement of seeing him on the cover of my best friend’s copy of The Amazing Spider-Man #129. I didn’t run out looking for the issue myself (collecting comics, at that point in my life, was a bit of hit and miss), but I was impressed with how cool this new foe of Spider-Man looked. If you follow current comics, you may have seen the news that Frank Castle’s uniform emblem has changed…which you can see inside the issue. The story of Castle is tragic, and I fear that things could get even worse for him down the line, after the surprise we get at the end of this first issue. Punisher pundits include Jason Aaron (writer), Jesús Saiz (artist, cover artist), Paul Azaceta (artist), Dave Stewart (colors), VC’s Cory Petit (letterer), and Tom Breevoort (editor). The cover price of Punisher is $5.99, while the current value is $6. The Key Collector Comics value is $6.
Dynamically Discounted Cool Comics
#1707 — Spider-Woman #18, Marvel, September 1979.
This issue of Spider-Woman spins a tale aptly entitled Sins of the Flesh, and if you enjoy superhero stories a little on the dark side, then you may want to look for this issue. At first glance, you may think that’s Spider-Man’s old foe the Molten Man on the cover, but this guy is far worse! If it weren’t for the powers of Jessica Drew, who knows how many more innocent victims the police would eventually find? This issue of Spider-Woman was spun by Mark Gruenwald (writer), Carmine Infantino (pencils), Mike Esposito (inks), John Costanza (letters), Roger Slifer (colors), Bob Budiansky (cover pencils), Tom Palmer (cover inks), and Roger Stern (editor). The cover price of Spider-Woman #18 is 40¢, while the current values are $7 on CBR and $5 on ZKC.
Cool Comics Celebrates FCBD (Week 31 of 2021)
#1708 — Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures, IDW Publishing, August 2021.
This Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) issue is quite possibly one of the more popular comics from the batch that came out late last summer, especially considering all the Star Wars Disney+ streaming shows that seem to keep popping up. This comic contains two tales that both take place during The High Republic, an early era in the saga that is fascinating to explore. Grab this one if you can still find a copy! The force that brought us this fun Star Wars adventure includes Daniel José Older (writer), Nick Brokenshire (art), Rebecca Nalty (colors), and Jake M. Wood (letters) for Attack on the Republic Fair, while Daniel José Older (writer), Harvey Tolibao (art), Rebecca Nalty (colors), and Jake M. Wood (letters) get credit for Collision Course. Editors for this issue are Riley Farmer, Elizabeth Brei, and Heather Antos. The cover price of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures is free, while the current values are $2 on CBR and $1 on ZKC. The Key Collector Comics value is $3.
Cool Comics for the Young at Heart
#1709 — Donald Duck #105, Gold Key, January 1966.
Even though nary a leprechaun is in sight, this is still a great cover for St. Patrick’s Day! A pot of gold, a colorful rainbow, and five of the best Disney ducks (sorry Magica De Spell, but you’re a villain!) puts us in the mood for cabbage and corned beef, does it not? And even though Uncle Scrooge McDuck would rather be celebrating Robert Burns night, on St. Paddy’s Day, everyone is Irish! There’s nothing fowl about the creative forces behind this issue of Donald Duck! So often these older comics aimed towards the young at heart didn’t credit those involved, but some of the writers and artists are known and listed at the Grand Comics Database, including Carl Barks, Tony Strobl, John Liggera, Bob Karp, Al Taliaferro, Steve Steere, and Jack Bradbury. Click the link to see a list of the stories and creators connected to each Disney adventure. The cover price of Donald Duck #105 is 12¢, while the current value is $48.
Twentieth Century Cool Comics
#1710 — The Flash #280, DC, December 1979.
While the supervillain in this issue, Yorkin, reminds me a bit of Mr. Hyde (and I’m a big fan of Robert Louis Stevenson), the highlights for me were the ads. First up, on the inside cover (so it’s nice, colorful, and slick), we’re shown the exciting world of Lego Expert Builder Series…of which I had several as a kid. The next ad that caught my eye tells us about Saturday’s Best on ABC, and three of the cartoons listed are The World’s Greatest Super Friends, Plastic Man, and Spider-Woman. Unfortunately for me, I felt that I was too old to watch cartoons in 1979. Oh well, live and learn. Finally, Superman saves the day with Twinkies. Was there ever a doubt that such a tasty snack could bring about peace in the galaxy? The fulfillers of Flash are Cary Bates (script), Don Heck (penciller), Frank Chiaramonte (inker), Ben Oda (letterer), Gene D’Angelo (colorist), and Ross Andru (editor). The cover price of The Flash #280 is 40¢, while the current value is $8.
Cool Comics Reader Reviews!
Would you like to write a review of a comic book or graphic novel for all the Internet to read? Our Cool Comics Reader Reviews section is looking for fans just like you to submit your review, along with a cover image of the comic. Additionally, you may provide a picture of yourself and any other biographical information you want published in Cool Comics. Send all this to edgosney62@gmail.com. Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to decide what will and won’t go in the blog, so keep the language clean, pick out a comic that won’t cause controversy (we try to have fun here!), and start tapping away on your keyboard!
ComicBooks For Kids!
ComicBooks For Kids! (CB4K) is a charity that Cool Comics In My Collection is honored to be working with. CB4K provides comic books to kids in hospitals and cancer centers all across the United States. You can check their website and see if your local hospital is included and if not, you can work with them to get them included! If you like what you see, please help them out and follow/like their Facebook page. Their link is https://www.facebook.com/comicbooksforkids/
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I Read That Book!
Please check out my newest blog, I Read That Book! About once a week I discuss a book I’ve read in an entertaining, positive manner. It’s not a book review site, but instead a fun way to look at many of the books that have been a part of my life (and perhaps yours, too!), through anecdotes, quotes, weblinks, fond memories, pictures, and other surprises!
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