Welcome to Cool Comics in My Collection Episode 204, where we look at various comic books I own (and in some cases ones that I let get away), both new and old, often with a nostalgic leaning for those feelings of yesteryear. I hope you have as much fun reading about them as I had writing about these cool comics!
For each of the comic books I include here, I list the current secondary market pricing (with the exception of digital issues, which don’t have collectible value). This is according to the websites ComicBookRealm.com (CBR) and Zap-Kapow Comics (ZKC), using the comic book grading scale of 9.4 (if both sites have the same price, you’ll find just one price for that issue). Not all my comics meet that grade. Some are probably better, and some are certainly worse. But to simplify it, that’s the scale I use here. And remember, a comic book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Did you know that you can be a guest host for Cool Comics? It’s your chance to show off some of your favorite comics in your personal collection! Just pick any of your comics for inclusion (this blog is for all ages, so please keep that in mind), with a maximum of seven issues. Repeat guest hosts are permitted and encouraged. To submit your completed blog (or if you have any questions), write to edgosney62@gmail.com.
The Cool Comics In My Collection Facebook Group is a place where you can discuss the comics you love, your favorite titles, and the characters that keep you coming back for more. Also, creators are welcome to share news about what you are working on, including Kickstarter campaigns. And don’t forget the prizes. Yes, Cool Comics gives away cool prizes. Be sure and join today!
If you have any comments, please scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says, “Leave a Reply.” And now, Episode 204…
Cool Comics News!
What is your favorite decade of comic books? What are your favorite titles? How about superheroes and supervillains? Cool Comics would like to hear more about what makes you tick when it comes to our favorite hobby, so sound off in the comments section below!
Cool Comics Battle of the Week!
Your Cool Comics Battle of the Week is Nightwing versus U.S. Agent! What do you think would happen if they faced each other in a titanic tussle, and how do you see the winner achieving victory? Let us know in the comments section below.
Cool Comics In My Collection
Contemporary Cool Comics
#1015 — Nightwing #16, DC, March 2013.
This is a pretty creepy cover for a superhero comic book, and looking at it, there is no doubt that the Joker’s involved. However, in my opinion, the piece of advertising at the top for Arrow takes something away from it. As many readers of Cool Comics know, I was out of the hobby during The New 52 run, so I like to grab some out of quarter bins on occasion (when I’m having trouble finding stuff I want from the Seventies and Eighties, that is). Then I have to decide if I want to wait and see if I can find more, so that the story makes sense, or just dig in. And often I just dig in and read. Turns out this is part of a larger “Death of the Family” story titled “Curtain Call.” At this point, I can’t remember if I read any of the Death of the Family series or not, but no big deal, as I just take this for what it is, which turns out to be a fairly brutal comic. And while I may have missed out on a lot, this was certainly worth the 25 cents I spilled for it. The cover price of Nightwing #16 is $2.99, while the current values are $4 on CBR and $3 on ZKC.
Cool Comics Done Dirt Cheap
#1016 — Force Works #12, Marvel, June 1995.
In 1995 I was going full force in my third phase of comic collecting, and Force Works was a regular read for several consecutive months. What I can’t remember is if I got up to this issue or not, because I sold what I had of the series at a garage sale a while back. No matter, my legendary longbox (over a year ago, I bought a longbox that was stuffed with 419 comic books for just $20; hence, Cool Comics Done Dirt Cheap) had several issues of Force Works, so when I pulled this one out to read, I somewhat wondered if my memories would travel back in time to the Nineties, the days when I was a soldier in the Army, but that didn’t happen. Instead I was too busy trying to remember who some of these characters were, such as Century. Perhaps the most interesting note for this issue is the flip book on the back, “War Machine: Brothers in Arms.” This issue contains part one, War Machine #15 has part 2, and it concludes in Iron Man #317, so you have to do a little work to collect the entire story. The cover price of Force Works #12 is $2.50, while the current values are $4 on CBR and $3 on ZKC.
FCBD the Cool Comics Way (Week 16)
#1017 — Doctor Who, Titan Comics, May 2019.
Several years ago, I caught Doctor Who fever and watched several seasons via Netflix, starting with the Ninth Doctor. I enjoyed learning all about the universe of this fascinating show, the aliens, and the companions, and I liked Christopher Eccleston. Then his run finished, and we got David Tennant. He’s really the Doctor, isn’t he? Well, you may not agree, and that’s peachy keen, because to each his own (I’m pretty sure that’s the only time I’ve ever written “peachy keen,”). What about Matt Smith, you ask? I haven’t finished his run yet. But the real problem is that I haven’t watched it for about three years now. I didn’t dislike him, but David Tennant spoiled me. This Free Comic Book Day issue covers the Thirteenth Doctor, and I’m way behind now. But you know, it’s Doctor Who, and there are always some things that are the same, or at least vaguely familiar. If you’re a fan of the show, this is a can’t miss FCBD issue. If you haven’t gotten it yet, you better start your search soon…unless you happen to have a TARDIS and can transport yourself back to May 4, 2019. The cover price of Doctor Who is free, while the current value is $1.
Cool Comics Kids
#1018 — Walt Disney’s Mickey and Donald #16, Gladstone, December 1989.
For those who enjoy the classic “Beanstalk” stories, here’s another issue you may want to add to your ever-growing pile of comics for little ones (or for yourself if you are young at heart). Astute Cool Comics readers will remember that back in June, our Cool Comics Kids section featured a Muppet Babies issue that also covered Beanstalk mythology (is that a thing, or did I just make it up?). This tale is an adaptation from the cartoon “Fun and Fancy Free,” from 1947, and I’m sure there are a few of you out there who remember watching it. Want more memories? Click the words “Fee fi fo fum” and be transported! There are also a few one-pagers with Donald Duck and his nephews stuffed into this Gladstone Giant comic, but the beanstalk adventures of Mickey and Donald carry this issue and it’s worth another trip above the clouds. The cover price of Walt Disney’s Mickey and Donald #16 is $1.50, while the current value is $5.
Cool Comics Classics
#1019 — Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom #7, Gold Key, March 1964.
I was able to grab this classic Doctor Solar issue for just a dollar last year, and I’ve finally gotten around to reading it. While many of you, like myself, may be familiar with the character because of Valiant, this is the only Gold Key issue I own. According to the bag it was in at the comic store, it’s part of the Landis Collection (I have no idea what the Landis Collection is, but several of the comics I bought that day for just a dollar came with a sticker indicating this on the bag…the price listed on this bag is $30, so I got a terrific deal), which is more than likely a collection of older titles once owned by someone named…Landis. You never know for sure what you’ll see in an old comic, and the inside cover has a special “Keys of Knowledge” section that just happens to be about Atomic Energy and Radioactive Decay. The story itself is entertaining and completely contained in this issue, along with a second story about a Professor Harbinger (that sounds like Valiant, doesn’t it?). And then guess what? Another Doctor Solar story! You got a lot for your dime and two pennies in those days. The inside back cover again presents us with “Keys of Knowledge,” this time focusing on Wild Animals of North America, the Arctic Fox. This comic is full of cool stuff! The cover price of Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom #7 is 12¢, while the current values are $80 on CBR and $70 on ZKC.
ComicBooks For Kids!
ComicBooks For Kids! (CB4K) is a charity that Cool Comics In My Collection is honored to be working with. CB4K provides comic books to kids in hospitals and cancer centers all across the Unites States. You can check their website and see if your local hospital is included and if not, you can work with them to get them included! If you like what you see, please help them out and follow/like their Facebook page. Their link is https://www.facebook.com/comicbooksforkids/
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Views: 444
Love the range of comics – we go from Mickey to Solar. And what a great deal you got and the cover is fantastic.
My first round of collecting was right around 1990 so to me all of the comics from the 80s are my personal favorites as I could not afford them as a kid so now i go back and try to get those books that were elusive.
Nice work and keep them coming.
Thanks! I do enjoy putting in a variety of issues…a little something for everyone.
Best wishes on finding all your favorites from the Eighties at affordable prices!
If collectors had to name a title for themselves, mine would be Silver Age Fiend. That is the era in where all the magic is to me. As far as titles, ASM, Strange Tales, Tales to Astonish, Tales of Suspense and Journey into Mystery are my favorites from then.
Current titles I am now down to two on the regular, without fail, and those are the Immortal Hulk and Spawn.
For heroes (keeping it short hehe), Moon Knight, Daredevil Batman and Spider-man. Kind of funny how each of them are really normal guys for the most part. Aside from Spider-man’s obvious powers…yet he is probably the most normal of the bunch…and DDs heightened senses.
Villains would be the Hobgoblin, the Hate Monger, Bullseye and the Joker.
I think everyone may have some of the same reasons, or ticks, as to why they collect comic books…and there may be some completely different reasons among us all as well. The first time I really paid attention to comics was in the early 80’s (around 81) after moving with my family almost 1000 miles away. I didn’t know any other kids in the neighborhood then, and had gotten pretty lonely. A few weeks or so after moving, my grandmother came to visit and brought a HUGE box filled with all sorts of comics that she had been picking up from flea markets and garage sales. I kind of lost myself in the books and the loneliness went away….and eventually met other kids and made friends around the neighborhood.
I continued on collecting throughout middle school, and into the first year of high school. Like most teens, I was a pimply faced, skinny, awkward kind of guy. The friends I had at that time decided just to drop me, and I started to get bullied a little. Even so, I sucked it up, because when I got home, I always had a stack of books to keep me company then. I was reading a TON of Spider-man books then, mostly because I could really relate.
A time or two since I picked up collecting again, most recently a few years back, and this time it isn’t going to go away. The magic is still there every time. Whether it be something I am reading and interested in…and cannot wait for the next issue to come out…or the thrill of the hunt, when trying to land a key book that I am dying to add to my collection. Yep, I still smell the paper when I crack any old books open too. I still read every book, regardless of the value as well.
I need to read the the few force works book that I have (longbox purchase). I know I have the first issue for sure. There is an ebay seller that has some neat/rare finds that either has some sort of value (sentimental or otherwise), or may be something that you would pass on in seeing it. Anyways, he always has a good 2000 listings or so at any given time. Nice guy too, after chatting him up a few times. I will every now and then peek at some of the things he has and get lost in the listing for an hour. I ended up buying the script for force works #1 for something crazy like $10 or something. Typed up, hand written notes and all. It may or may not be worth anything, but a neat find none the less.
Spector, I really appreciate your comments, and enjoyed learning a little more about you, your collection, your motivations in the hobby, and that you actually purchased a comic script for just $10! That’s awesome!
Thanks for reading and being an integral part of Cool Comics!
Like you say, I’m familiar with Doctor Solar from Valiant comics (I just got done reading Harbinger #1-7 last week, where he co-stars in a couple of issues), but that Gold Key issue you’ve got has a doozy of a cover on it! Say what you will about what’s inside, I give Gold Key due credit for some of the best painted covers EVER! I always keep my eye out for the Gold Key comics, no matter what the title is.
Thanks for another great post and for keeping comics fun!
I completely agree with you on Gold Key covers. Thanks for being a part of Cool Comics!
While the second half of the 1970s will always be home, my favorite decade is the 1960s. DC Silver Age at its peak (until everything went to Hell in 1968) and a couple of Marvel comics were really good too.
Favorite Heroes and Teams (and favorite titles too)
Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Robin (Dick and Tim), Captain Marvel (Fawcett/DC), Superboy (Clark and Kon), Flash (all of them), Captain America, JLA, JSA, Legion, Fantastic Four, Avengers, Invaders, Teen Titans, Invincible, The Atom (Ray and Ryan), Wonder Woman, suffice to say this list could go a hundreds deep
I’ll keep favorite villains to three
Lex Luthor, Joker and Dr. Doom