Welcome to Cool Comics in My Collection Episode 75, where we take a nostalgic look at comic books I currently own, and in some sad cases, ones that I let get away.
For each of the comic books I include in this blog, I list the current secondary market value. This is according to the listings at the website www.comicbookrealm.com. They list out the near mint prices, which are on the comic book grading scale of 9.4. If you go to the website to look up any in your collection, you can click on the price and see the value at different grades. Not all of my comics are 9.4. Some are probably better, and some are worse. But to simplify it, that’s the grading price I use here. And remember, a comic book is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Have you considered being a guest host for Cool Comics? You can do a theme or just pick any of your comics for inclusion (this blog is for all ages, so please keep that in mind), with a maximum of seven issues. Repeat guest hosts are permitted and encouraged. Send your completed blog to edgosney62@gmail.com.
If you have any questions or comments, please scroll to the bottom of the page to where it says, “Leave a reply.” I hope you enjoy seeing these as much as I do writing about them. And now, Episode 75…
Cool comics in my collection #399: Afterlife With Archie #2, January 2014.
Remember those innocent years of reading Archie Comics? Well, they’re over! Afterlife With Archie, written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and drawn by artist Francesco Francavilla, takes you to a Riverdale you never thought you’d see. Granted, America’s favorite teenager has teased us by meeting the Punisher and facing off against a Predator, but those were short glances at what things could look like for the gang from Riverdale if things went south. Whereas Afterlife With Archie gives us the whole enchilada. This series has proven popular enough that the Archie Horror line has expanded, giving us the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (more to come in a future episode of Cool Comics), and who knows what’s next? I’ve got an old box of Archie comics from the Seventies, and believe me, none of them are quite like this series. If you decide to check it out and have trouble finding some issues, keep in mind a trade paperback is out there, and they are available as digital comics from both comiXology and the Archie Comics app. The cover price of Afterlife With Archie #2 is $2.99, while the current value is $10.
Cool comics in my collection #400: Riverdale One-Shot, April 2017.
Yes, it’s definitely Archie Week here at Cool Comics, and we celebrate the 400th Cool Comic in My Collection by traveling to Riverdale. This issue is a standalone prequel for the upcoming Riverdale comic that will be a companion series to The CW TV series. What? Did I hear you correctly? You haven’t been watching? It’s just for teens? Well I’m here to tell you that if you’ve ever read any Archie comics, this more serious take (very much modeled after the current Archie series written by Mark Waid, with a splash of the edginess in Afterlife With Archie) on the gang from Riverdale is a keeper, blending Twin Peaks vibes with 90210 soap antics that keep you on the edge of your seat until next week’s episode airs. The casting is great, including Luke Perry (90210 again!), Skeet Ulrich (Jericho), Robin Givens (remember Head of the Class?), Shannon Purser (from the hottest show last summer, Stranger Things), and an upcoming appearance by the queen of Eighties movies, Molly Ringwald, as Archie’s mom. This one-shot, which I picked up yesterday at the ultra-awesome Kenmore Komics in Akron, Ohio, covers what the gang did last summer (doesn’t that sound ominous?), just before the TV series begins. Consider jumping on the Riverdale bandwagon, because with Afterlife With Archie writer Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa scripting the episodes, who knows what might happen next? The cover price of Riverdale One-Shot is $4.99, and just came out this week.
Recently Read Digital Comics
Since we’re paying homage to Archie and the gang this week, it was only appropriate that I read some digital Archie comics, so I picked this one out because Kiss is on the cover, so it must be something cool inside. And I was right. Sabrina and the gang decide that she should cast a spell to protect Riverdale against monsters as Halloween approaches, and since Veronica and Reggie have missed recent meetings, they aren’t allowed to be there. Veronica doesn’t take kindly to this, and finds a book with spells in her father’s extensive library. Trouble ensues, and Veronica’s spell and Sabrina’s spell collide, so to speak, and instead it usher’s in monsters. Then the band Kiss magically appear, determined to find and defeat the monsters. As the gang leave to get to their homes, some of them don’t make it, and Archie discovers that Riverdale is becoming “a town full of mindless zombies!” I don’t know how they manage to get out of this mess (I’m guessing Kiss saves the day in the next issue), but I wonder if this comic, which came out in 2012, caught the eye of Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa?
Don’t you just love geniuses? They’ve helped make life so much better, providing comforts and advanced technology that we probably take for granted. Scorpion is a TV show that features four geniuses who continually save the day (and sometimes the world), not to mention (as I must since this is a blog about comic books and anything else related to them) Fitz and Simmons on Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And Daisy is a genius hacker. And Chuck. Remember that show, with the Nerd Herd? Chuck was smart to begin with, then he gets a neural download that changes everything. And there is the new medical show, Pure Genius. I fear it won’t be back next year, and that’s too bad. The hospital combined medical geniuses with technology geniuses to find new ways to save lives. Awesome concept, and I’ll miss it if it gets cancelled. Anyway, back to the Archieverse. Dilton Doiley is Riverdale’s genius teenager, and in this digital exclusive, he gets an opportunity to attend a special school, Brainard University. But what about his friends? This digital issue was free on the Archie App, and there are three more in this series that is exclusive to that medium. That’s right, no print version, so if you want to find out what happens to Dilton, get your tablet and start reading.
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