Chain of Evil, JournalStone’s Guide to Writing Darkness by Dr. Michael R. Collings, gives us 50 essays on a blend of topics related to horror writing. While the first part of the book does a good job of holding reader interest by having chapters on typical horror tropes such as vampires, werewolves, zombies, and such, it’s the middle that takes the longest to get through.
Not unlike a long novel, sometimes middles don’t have as much action as we’d like, but they set us up for the end. And in this case, Collings gives us grammar and writing advice, which every writer needs, but not what we necessarily want when reading a book on horror writing. But I’m probably a better writer now for having made it through the dreaded middle, and again, like a good novel, it gets stronger as we near the end.
If you are a horror writer, or are considering it, you probably want this for your writing library. There is some really sound information here, grammar section included. It’s well worth your time.
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