Several years ago I wrote a couple pretty good short stories I’m happy with. I tried to sell them, but kept falling short. The editor of Weird Tales liked the one I sent her but said it wasn’t quite right for them, and asked to see something else. The other story was an even worse fit. So what do I do with them? They’ve been rejected by several magazines, although most people who have read them like the stories and have even compared them to Stephen King.
So now I’m pondering the Amazon publishing route. Seems like everyone has a their self-published work out there. Would I ever be taken seriously if I did this?
I’d have to look into the entire matter and see how long they would retain rights, how much money I should charge per story, and if I have to give them my firstborn child. It might be worth it, just to get a little more exposure, but they could get lost in a sea of mediocrity.
If any of you have any strong feelings one way or the other on this matter, I’d appreciate the advice. (Then again, who am I kidding? I don’t think anyone ever looks at these posts or reads them except for me.)
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